all-of-life worship

Purpose: Fostering an environment where the Holy Spirit can create all-of-life worshipers through the transforming power of Jesus Christ.
How: We help people become all-of-life worshipers through three primary avenues:
  • Ministry of the Word: Teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in every service and observing the Sacraments.
  • Ministry of the Body: providing many opportunities for fellowship and discipleship.
  • Ministry of the Mission: Equipping and encouraging saints to live expressive lives of Gospel Joy in everyday life.


Jesus narrowed the Law down to the two greatest commands:
                               Love God, Love neighbor
  •  at EBBC, we focus on becoming better lovers, not just of those who look like us, act like us, or think like us, but lovers of all our neighbors. In this, we become more like our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We endeavor to love each other so deeply that it becomes the hallmark of our Church, to the glory of God.
  • Jesus said, “love each other. By this all people will know you are my disciples.” (John 13.34-35)


Paul vigorously taught that the gospel of faith sets us free from the requirements of the Law to serve God in the power of the Spirit.
  • at EBBC, we strive to create a space where Christian liberty is celebrated and practiced according to individual conviction and – always – to the glory of God.


The Gospel is “good news of great joy” (Luke 2.10)
  • At EBBC, we want to nurture a culture where people are genuine and joyful, not hypocritical and judgmental.
  • In order to be Salt and Light in a world that is angry and divisive, we choose joy, hope and laughter, so that we will draw all people to Jesus and always be ready to give a reason to those who ask about the hope we have in Christ. (1 Peter 3.15)


Jesus came to restore fullness of life in Him (John 10.10)
  • At EBBC, we recognize that all of life and its good gifts are from God, created to be enjoyed with gratitude to the glory of His Name. We look for the beauty in all things in order to increase our worship, gratitude and praise of our Great God!