who are we?


Just like you. We are your friends, neighbors, and family. We work where you work, shop where you shop, eat where you eat, send our kids to the same schools. We have mortgages and student loans. We worry about aging parents and grandchildren. We love Chattanooga but hate the traffic. Just like you.

We are people who BELIEVE IN GOD

We love science, for it reveals how astonishingly beautiful and complex the world is. We believe the earth and all of life was created with purpose and design by a supremely intelligent being. A being Who transcends this world yet upholds and sustains it by His power. We believe in GOD.


2000 years ago, a child was born to a virgin. This child was special. He performed supernatural acts like healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, even raising the dead. He claimed to be God’s Son, the Jewish Messiah. People didn’t believe Him, but they couldn’t refute His miracles.
He proclaimed good news about God: that He loved the world and sent His only Son to save the world from its greatest enemies: sin and death. Sin separates us from God. Death separates us from life. In Jesus, God was drawing near to His creation and restoring life…eternal life.
He was killed for His message: But on the third day God raised Him from the dead, proving His message is true. He truly is God’s Son and mankind’s Savior.

We believe God is NOT SILENT

He has left us a miraculous book: The Bible. Written by dozens of authors over a span of thousands of years. All telling the same story: God’s Story.
It records how God created the world, intervened in people’s lives, showed all people how He could be known. It reveals our sin and God’s holiness, and why He must remain distant. It tells of how God used Israel to make a way for the world to draw closer to God.
Most of all, it reveals how JESUS CHRIST would enter the world, live a sinless life, offer Himself to appease God’s holy wrath, and defeat death by His Resurrection. A resurrection witnessed by more than 500 witnesses, some of whom recorded their accounts making up the New Testament. One of these witnesses was the Apostle Paul, who was an enemy of Christians until the Risen Jesus appeared to him, transforming Paul from an enemy into Christianity’s greatest early advocate.


Despite what you may have heard or even experienced, Christians are not “holier than thou” religious zealots who think they’re better than you (OK, some are, but they shouldn’t be). No, Christians believe God when He says “all have sinned and fall short” of His glory.
We read His Word and fell under the Holy Spirit’s conviction that we are eternally lost (separated from God) and our only hope is for God to FORGIVE us. Fortunately, God is merciful, and this is exactly what He promises to do!
1 John 1.8-9 is one of our favorite verses. It exposes our sinfulness, while at the same time promising we can be forgiven. Here, read it for yourself:
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
So, you see, we aren’t perfect, and we don’t try to be. But we are FORGIVEN. And you can be too.

We are a CHURCH

A church is simply a community of local people who confess all the above. Based on that confession, we assemble regularly to WORSHIP Jesus:
- by singing songs of praise to Him        
- by listening to His Word preached so that we can continue to be set free from sin.
          - by loving one another joyfully as He commands.
          - by enjoying each other’s company and encouraging each one in the Faith.
          - by giving our time and resources to tell others the GOOD NEWS of Jesus.

We are a FAMILY

The bonds we share in Jesus are sometimes tighter than those we share in our own families. Especially if we have moved here from somewhere else. The relationships formed in East Brainerd Baptist Church are special and will last for eternity.


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